Entries by BARBRI



By Mike Sims, BARBRI President Rumors have been swirling for years, but now it’s official:   Civil Procedure is being added to the Multistate Bar Exam (MBE) beginning with the February 2015 bar exam. In a recent memo to law school deans, Erica Moeser, the President of the National Conference of  Bar Examiners (the good people […]

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Character and fitness: Not just virtues, requirements

By Mike Sims, BARBRI President If you are a graduating 3L student, you can probably relate to these tweets: You never realize how many addresses you’ve had for the past 10 years until you fill out the bar’s character and fitness. #lawschoolproblems It’s fun listing employers like Show-Me’s and Tequila Wyld on my bar application […]